Among all the destinations you could choose for your internship abroad, Puebla de los Ángeles is one of the most incredible places you could ever experience, the city of a thousand and one wonders…
Situated in Mexico, this city is one of the best places where to live the « Mexican experience » and to enjoy this amazing country. Just at the center of the country, really close to Mexico City, it looks like the best location to move around the country and discover it easily.
Puebla is a lively city, culturally, artistically and humanly rich, at the crossroads of the largest states of Mexico, this city guarantees you a wonderful welcome in this beautiful Spanish-speaking country. Here are some tips for your internship in Puebla.
Puebla is also characterised by its proximity to real volcans ! If you want to put some adventure during your internship in Puebla, you can visit the famed twin volcanoes of Mexico: Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl. These volcans can be visited outside but also inside, and are surrounded by Mexican legends. The most common tale relates the Nahua romance of the princess Iztaccíhuatl and the warrior Popocatépetl.
The city is also well known in Mexico for its architectural style. So just get lost in the streets of Puebla and let the city transport you to the colorful and light world of Mexico. You could notice the Renaissance and Baroque architecture, really noticeable in the city center. And if you’re fond of Mexican art, go straight to the Museo Amparo. Opened in 1991, the museum now houses art pieces from pre-Hispanic art to modern days.
Museo Amparo, Avenida 2 Sur 708, Centro, Puebla, México
The Capilla del Rosario is the biggest chapel of the city, finished at the end of the 17th century. Its walls have Baroque paintings evoking the Nativity scenes. They are clad with colourful tiles made in Puebla using the Talavera technique. The Cathedral, the Iglesia de Santa María Tonantzintla and the Zócalo de Puebla are also part of the cultural history of the city and definitely worth a visit.You can also take a walk in all the markets of the city, colourful and traditional, as the Parian Market, a permanent arts and crafts market. There you can encounter Mexican traditions and knowledge, see ceramics and visit the galeries of the artist quarter.
In Puebla you can find an incredible number of museums, parks, markets and monuments, just take a walk and enjoy !
Last but not least, the Chiles en Nogada should delight you if you’re not afraid of some spicy flavours. Made of chiles poblanos, pomegranate seeds and shredded meat, this plate is Mexico in one dish.
Mexico is known as one of the better countries to do an exchange semester or an internship. Indeed, thousands of foreign students are reunited in all the biggest cities of the country as Puebla. Thanks to organisms as Integrate, you can live in a big house with roomies in the center of Puebla. So, you will experience the student life. These organisms are used to organising big parties, trips and events. They will let you enjoy your stay in Puebla as much as possible. With the help of these organisms you will meet new people, discover the incredible country of Mexico and assist to big events.
Even if you are in an internship in Puebla you can enjoy the student life. You can also keep time for fun and leisure next to the internship. You won’t live this adventure alone !
Si vous souhaitez gagner du temps et réserver une excursion, une activité ou une visite guidée à Puebla, nous vous recommandons Civitatis , un site spécialisé dans la réservation en ligne.